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#121 Käethe Kaffee: Rutas del Inca

#121 Käethe Kaffee: Rutas del Inca
03.10.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Red fruit・Raspberry・Peach

Rutas del Inca

Käethe Kaffee

Roaster: Achim Barghorn

This coffee is first anaerobically fermented and then washed. This ensures the delicate fermented notes while retaining the typical character of Peruvian coffee with lots of body, dark chocolate, lots of sweetness and red fruits. To bring out these flavours in perfect brilliance, Achim roasts the coffee exclusively as a light filter coffee. This truly is a high quality microlot coffee (87 points SCA). The Rutas del Inca cooperative is located in the north of Peru (Cajamarca). It is a new cooperative that supplies Käethe Kaffee with great coffees through Roasters United. This autumn the roaster team will visit the farmers and they are looking forward to experiencing the processing first hand.

Country: Peru
Region: Cajamarca
Farm: Rutas del Inca Cooperative
Farmer: Cooperative farmers
Varieties: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon
Growing altitude: 1700-2000m
Process: Anaerobic Washed

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