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#119 Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG: Ethiopia Bonga Forest

#119 Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG: Ethiopia Bonga Forest
11.09.2024 tildamaria.turunen


Ethiopia Bonga Forest

Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG


The wild-growing rainforest coffee comes from the “Bonga Forest”, a rainforest region in the area of ​​the ancient Kaffa Kingdom in southwest Ethiopia. The Kaffa region in southwest Ethiopia is home to Arabica coffee and is home to one of the country’s last mountain cloud forests, the Bonga Forest. The coffee stocks that still grow wild there have a genetic diversity that is unparalleled anywhere in the world, but they are extremely threatened by deforestation and slash-and-burn agriculture. For this reason, “GEO protects the rainforest eV”, among others, is committed to protecting this region and supports the marketing of the wild coffees growing there, for example with organic and fair trade certifications.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Bonga Forest
Variety: Local Arabica varieties
Process: Natural

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