Almond・Dark chocolate・Herbal Red Ecolsierra Kawa Kaffeemanufaktur Roaster: Michelle Czachowska This is truly an exceptional single-origin
Dark chocolate・Caramel・Heavy body Corazón Oscuro Paso Paso Roaster: Bram De Hoog Corazón Oscuro means ‘dark
Dark berries・Cocoa nuances・Balanced El Amanecer Roest Kaffee El Amanecer – The sunrise! Start your
Spicy・Earthy・Mild tobacco Sumatra Mandheling Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG Many islands in Indonesia are
Robust・Chocolaty・Nutty KAWA Blend 60/40 Kawa Kaffeemanufaktur This coffee blend comes from selected coffee regions
Creamy・Chocolate mousse・Dried orange Café de la Casa PasoPaso Roaster: Bram De Hoog With this coffee,
Strong・Spicy・Bitter-chocolatey Bergsonne Wildkaffee Rösterei Roaster: Josef Staltmayr Bergsonne, which translates to “mountain sun” is a
Honey・Almond・Soft Ethiopia Bonga Forest Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG The wild-growing rainforest coffee comes
Orange・Cherry・Vanilla sugar Red Ruby Kawa Kaffeemanufaktur Mantiqueira de Minas is known for its beautiful
Dark chocolate・Orange・Full-bodied La Morena Roest Kaffee Roaster: David Lichtenauer Roest Kaffee’s founders David and Ivan
Full-bodied・Cocoa・Floral Wildsau Wildkaffee Rösterei Roaster: Josef Staltmayr The blend of three different country coffees: 50%
Nutty・Chocolatey・Light fruitiness Nr. 1 Around the world Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG This blend