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SLURP midnight espresso

  • #179 Kahwe: Brazil Cafeina

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    Dark chocolate・Almond・Fudge Brazil Cafeina Kahwe Roaster: Joel Marttala The Cafeine Group was started this year

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  • #178 Café Nazca: Cerro Alto

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    Dark chocolate・Roasty・Intensive Cerro Alto Café Nazca Roaster: Pasi Pelkonen Copán is one of the departments

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  • #177 Kahwe: Midnight Blend

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    Dark chocolate・ toffee・ nutty Midnight Blend Kahwe Roaster: Joel Marttala The renewed midnight blend of

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  • #176 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Indonesia Mandheling Triple Picked

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    Herbal・ Chocolaty・ Earthy Indonesia Mandheling Triple Picked Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo Roaster: Benjamin Andberg Mahdheling in the

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  • #175 Inka Paahtimo: Colombia Sierra Nevada

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    Chocolate・Hazelnut・Full body Colombia Sierra Nevada Inka Paahtimo Roaster: Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio This coffee was bought

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  • #174 Roger’s Coffee: Midnight Honduras

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    Dark chocolate・ Bittersweet・ Nutty Midnight Honduras Roger’s Coffee Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks The COMICOVEL co-op was

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  • #173 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Huggy

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    Smoothest chocolate · Soft spicys · Red berries Holmen Huggy Holmen Coffee Roaster: Arnd Brockmüller/Junho

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  • #172 Inka Paahtimo: Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio

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    Spices・Licorice・Full bodied Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio Inka Paahtimo Roaster: Sumatra Mandheling Volcanic soil and traditional Sumatran

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  • #171 Inka Paahtimo: Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio

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    Spices・Licorice・Full bodied Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio Inka Paahtimo Roaster: Sumatra Mandheling Volcanic soil and traditional Sumatran

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  • #170 Roger’s Coffee: Slurp Midnight Colombia

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    Dark chocolate・Hazelnut・Hints of blackcurrant Slurp Midnight Colombia Roger’s Coffee Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks Situated 91 km

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  • #169 Mokkamestarit: Creme de Paris

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    Chocolate・Caramel・Roasty Creme de Paris Mokkamestarit Roaster: Hannu Paakkinen Creme de Paris from Mokkamestarit is a

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  • #168 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Fazenda Santa Cecília

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    Roasty・ Peanuty Fazenda Santa Cecília Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo Roaster: Benjamin Andberg This Brazilian coffee is a

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