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Latest Coffees

  • #63 Cafetoria: Espresso Caramelo

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    Roastery: Cafetoria
    Roaster: Ivan Ore
    Roasted on: 19.4.2016
    Origin: Nicaragua, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Colombia
    Varieties: Blend
    Processing: Blend
    Altitude: Blend

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  • #63 Kaffe Obscura: Nicaragua SHG EP San Jose Estate

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  • #63 Cafetoria Roastery: Panama Finca La Camiseta

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  • #62 Mokkamestarit: King Creole

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    King Creole
    Roaster: Hannu Paakkinen
    Roasted on: 28.6.2016
    50 % Guatemala Antigua
    25 % Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
    25 % Colombia Carzon Excelso

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  • #62 Mokkapuu: Sumatra Mandheling Grade 1 FTO

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  • #62 Mokkamestarit: Ethiopia Adado Organic

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  • #62 Punainen Kirahvi: Ethiopia Kochere Warqee

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  • #61 KeaKoffee: Pacifica

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  • #61 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Brazil Daterra Monte Cristo

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  • #61 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Espresso Weninggalih

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  • #61 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Weninggalih

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  • #60 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil San Rafael

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