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  • Makea Coffee

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    Makea Coffee is a new coffee roastery and coffee lounge in Lappeenranta, founded in 2019.

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  • Roger’s Coffee

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    In 2015, Roger Snellman decided to make a change in his career, bought a roaster

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  • Kahwe

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    Kahwe from Tampere is one of the newest addition to the Finnish artisan roaster field.

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  • Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo

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    Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo is a roastery founded in 2011, that believes that coffee should be sustainable

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  • Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

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    Kahiwa Coffee Roasters is a coffee roastery, that was founded in 2016 in Lahti. It’s

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  • Pirkanmaan Paahtimo

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    When the passion for coffee emerges, it is impossible to destroy. The idea of working

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  • Inka Paahtimo

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    Inka Paahtimo is an artisan roastery that was founded in 2015 and that has strong

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  • Kaffa Roastery

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    Kaffa Roastery is the biggest artisan roastery in Finland. Kaffa’s goal is to achieve 100%

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  • Mokkamestarit

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    Mokkamestarit, founded in 1990, is the oldest functioning artisan roastery in Finland. Their coffee selection

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  • Turun Kahvipaahtimo

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    Turun Kahvipaahtimo is an artisan roastery founded in 2009 in Turku. They roast only light

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  • Cafetoria Roastery

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    Cafetoria Roastery Cafetoria Roastery is a Finnish micro roastery with a Latin heart. Peruvian Ivan

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