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Helsinki Coffee Festival 2018

Helsinki Coffee Festival 2018
26.04.2018 Maria Ariyo

The fourth ever Helsinki Coffee Festival was arranged at Kaapelitehdas on the 20.-22.4.2018. Helsinki Coffee Festival brings together coffee lovers and professionals from all over Finland and the world.

A shared moment with coffee

The intoxicating scent, the talking and the cheery music immediately pull you in after you enter the doors of Kaapelitehdas. The space is dark and the booths really pop out with their lights and colors. It is amazing to see these wonderful surroundings made just for the people who love coffee!

While circling, the happy roasters, baristas and other coffee professionals pull you in with their stories about the world of coffee. Almost every booth has a possibility for you to sample coffee or tea and at the Lehmus Roastery booth you can even see a roaster working the roasting machine! At Slurp’s booth we had interesting conversations about coffee and how our goal is to enable everyone to have a chance to get coffee from almost all of the roasteries at the festival, no matter where you live. Thank you to everyone who stopped by at our booth!

The festival had a well thought out program, which had something for everyone. Experts teaching you brewing, artisan roasteries telling their stories, talk of coffee beers, and last but not least, many competitions awarding the best of the Finnish coffee scene.

The best coffee in Finland

Traditionally the best filter coffee, the best espresso, the best coffee shop and the best roastery are all announced at the Helsinki Coffee Festival. The best coffees of the year were selected from a group of 15-16 coffees. Especially, the judges aim to find sweetness, balance and aftertaste. Here are the results:

    Best filter coffee

  1. Ethiopia Kayon Mountain Natural (Caffi / Bean&Burner)
  2. Ethiopia Gesha 1931 (Lehmus Roastery)
  3. Rocket Bean Indonesia West Java (Rocket Bean Roastery)
    Best espresso

  1. Ethiopia Gelana Abaya (Inka Paahtimo)
  2. Yirgacheffe Kochere Ethiopia (Tres Cabezas)
  3. Rocket Bean Magic Pussy (Rocket Bean Roastery)

The best coffee shop and roastery were decided by popular vote:

    Best coffee shop

  1. Satamatie 6 [Lehmus Roastery] (Lappeenranta)
  2. Kaffa Roastery (Helsinki)
  3. Good Life Coffee (Helsinki)
    Best roastery

  1. Lehmus Roastery (Lappeenranta)
  2. Kaffa Roastery (Helsinki)
  3. Good Life Coffee (Helsinki)

Best Tasters and Brewers

In addition to the best coffees, coffee shop and roastery, the festival also hosted the battle for the Finnish championship both in Cup Tasters and Brewers Cup. The competitions are annually arranged by SCA Finland ry (Specialty Coffee Association) and their winners will represent Finland in the coming World championships. The judges were all top names in the Finnish coffee scene: Teija Lublinkhof, Jarno Peräkylä, Hanna-Mari Huhtonen ja Roosa Jalonen. Tero Rehula and Johan Lillandt represented Slurp in these competitions. Both Tero and Johan got narrowly eliminated in the extremely tight race for Cup Tasters, while in the Brewers Cup, Johan made it to the final, finishing sixth.

On Saturday 21.4. Roosa Jalonen tasted her way to victory in Cup Tasters and will travel to the World championships in Dubai on the 16.-18.9.. The Brewers Cup was taken by Jani Mikkonen, who will join Roosa in Dubai to compete for the championship in brewing filter coffee. Congratulations from Slurp!

The coffee community has power

Year after year, it is amazing to notice how the Finnish coffee community works together and shares the word of high quality coffee through their own work. The quality of the coffee means more and more every year and coffee lovers are happy to drink coffee that has traveled all the way from farm to cup through loving and professional hands. Helsinki Coffee Festival is still the biggest coffee festival in all of the Nordic countries and it is in a major role in advancing the coffee culture both here and around the world. We highly recommend the festival to all coffee lovers in the coming years!

We would like to thank our partners, the amazing roasteries and the arrangers of the festival. Once more we would like to congratulate the winners of all the competitions!

Our festival team sends their gratitude,
Tero, Manuel, Rafael, Nobuko, Sonja, Antti, Maria, Marcus ja Johan

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