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#121 PasoPaso: Café de la Casa

#121 PasoPaso: Café de la Casa
03.10.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Creamy・Chocolate mousse・Dried orange

Café de la Casa


Roaster: Bram De Hoog

With this coffee, we are proud to introduce our new partner roaster from Hannover, Germany! PasoPaso is a farmer-owned roastery together with their founder and director Bram de Hoog. Farmer Owned Coffee means that the coffee farmers providing the coffee hold shares in the company roasting and selling those same beans. Café De La Casa house blend is a combination of coffees from their farms. Using both washed and natural coffee they crafted a coffee with a smooth creamy mouthfeel, reminiscent of chocolate mousse and a hint of dried orange. Currently this is PasoPaso’s darkest roast and perfect for espresso and as a milk based drink. In filter coffee it is warm, creamy and easy to fall in love with.

Country: Ethiopia, Costa Rica
Region: Guji, Turrialba
Farm: Bette Buna Guji Meguda, Aquiares Estate
Farmer: Dawit & Hester Syoum-Westerveld, Robelo Family
Varieties: Enat Buna, JARC 74112, Grand Peaberry
Growing altitude: 1000-2200m
Process: Natural, Washed

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