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#115 Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG: Nr. 1 Around the world

#115 Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG: Nr. 1 Around the world
10.07.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Nutty・Chocolatey・Light fruitiness

Nr. 1 Around the world

Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG


This blend consists of Brazilian, Indonesian and Ethiopian coffees. The Brazilian coffee gives the blend its body and sweetness. The Ethiopian coffee adds floral, fruity and chocolate notes. Finally, Indonesian coffee gives the blend its strength and flavour. The blend is wonderful to drink straight as an espresso, but the fine flavours also come into their own with milk, e.g. as a cappuccino or latte macchiato. However, as the roasts of the individual coffees are relatively light, this blend is very suitable as a filter coffee too.

Country: Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia
Region: Sul de Minas, Sidamo, Mandheling
Farm: Fazenda da Lagoa (Brazil), several estates
Farmer: Various smallholders
Growing altitude: 800-2200m
Process: Natural, Washed, Semi-Washed

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