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#110 Café Blá: Brazilian Arara

#110 Café Blá: Brazilian Arara
29.04.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Stone fruit lemonade・Creamy・Sweet & Juicy

Brazilian Arara

Café Blá


Paula & Fabrizio Santini are the third generation working on Fabrizio’s family farm. On their 4.5ha farm they focus on growing high quality coffees, including this Arara varietal. Hailed “the Brazilian Gesha” by Costa Rican farmer Roberto Matta, Arara is fruitier and has more complexity than many of the other Brazilian varieties. Arara is a newer variety from Brazil that’s prized for its high-scoring cup profile combined with resilience and productivity. The variety is a cross between Yellow Catuai and Obatã, which is itself a Timor hybrid.

Country: Brazil
Region: Mozambinho, Minas Gerais
Farm: Sitio Estrela
Farmer: Paula & Fabio Santini
Variety: Arara
Growing altitude: 900-1150m
Process: Natural

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