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#242 Kahwe: Brazil Sitio Sertãozinho

#242 Kahwe: Brazil Sitio Sertãozinho
29.04.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Red fruits・Light strawberry・Red wine

Brazil Sitio Sertãozinho


Roaster: Joel Marttala

This Brazilian microlot coffee comes from Paulo Ribeiro Rocha, a farmer who inherited his coffee farm from his parents, who started growing coffee in the region in the 1970s. The coffee is grown in the mountains of the “Mantiqueira Mountains”. The coffee is of the Yellow Catuai variety and natural processing. The coffee has a medium body and some fruity sweetness to it.

Country: Brazil
Region: South of Minas, Mantiqueira Mountains
Farm: Sítio Sertãozinho
Farmer: Paulo Ribeiro Rocha
Variety: Yellow Catuai
Growing altitude: 1300m
Process: Natural

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