" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #189 Kahwe: Brasilia Castanhas — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#189 Kahwe: Brasilia Castanhas

#189 Kahwe: Brasilia Castanhas
19.04.2022 severi.sinkko

Roasted nuts・Dark chocolate・Caramel

Brazil Castanhas


Roaster: Joel Marttala

This french roast Brazilian coffee has notes of roasted nuts, dark chocolate and caramel. Bringing just the right amount of luxury to both everyday and celebratory coffee moments. Full-bodied in mouthfeel.

Country: Brazil
Region: Tres Pontas
Farm: Small farmer organisation – Cocatrel
Farmer: –
Variety: Mixed
Growing altitude: 900 – 1100m
Process: Natural


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