" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #186 Rogers Coffee: Slurp Dark Blend — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#186 Rogers Coffee: Slurp Dark Blend

#186 Rogers Coffee: Slurp Dark Blend
08.03.2022 Petro Hakkarainen

Dark chocolate・Walnut・Hints of orange and cherry

Slurp Dark Blend

Rogers Coffee

Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks, Roger Snellman

A dark roasted blend, combining wonderful flavours of two truly great coffee beans from Honduras and Guatemala. We approach our dark roasts to have just enough true flavours of coffee origin and have them in balance with intensive and bold flavours of more developed coffee. It is an adventure to try a dark roast, which can be brewed both as filter coffee and espresso and in each brew method it creates a new flavour mingle!

Country: Honduras, Guatemala
Region: Opalaca\Huehuetenango
Farm: COMICOVEL Co-operative Members\Fedecocagua
Farmer: Various Smallholder Farms
Varieties: Lempira\Caturra, Pacas, Pache
Growing altitude: 1000-1500m
Process: Washed

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