" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #50 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Ethiopia Burtukaana Natural — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#50 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Ethiopia Burtukaana Natural

#50 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Ethiopia Burtukaana Natural
19.12.2016 Rafael Linnankoski

Shipment #50
SLURP light


Ethiopia Burtukaana Natural

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Guji, Aferara
Washing Station: Adola
Owner: Israel Degfa
Farmers: A couple of hundred small farms in the region
Variety: Ethiopian Heirloom
Lot: no. 2
Drying: On raised patios, 15-18 days
Picking: By hand, 2015–2016


Juhani Haahti




Tropical Fruits

Robust Mouthfeel

Burtukaana comes from the Adola washing station in the Guji region, Ethiopia. The coffee berries are collected from small estates surrounding the station. The farming and picking are done by each farmer on their estates sized approximately 1 hectare.

At the washing station whole and ripe berries are separated from the rest so that only ripe berries end up processed. This has a big effect on the resulting taste in the cup.

This Burtukaana lot (no. 2) is Natural processed. The Natural processing means that the coffees are placed whole on raised patios to dry in the sun. The coffee dries for about 15-18 days. The drying is a challenging and meticulous process done by hand, in case one wants to achieve the best possible outcome. At its worst, a bad processing can result in flaws in the taste or even mould. However, at its best a carefully controlled Natural processing can create a very interesting and vivid flavour profile.

Source: Turun Kahvipaahtimo


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