" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #173 ROST & Co. : Saari — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#173 ROST & Co. : Saari

#173 ROST & Co. : Saari
06.09.2021 severi.sinkko

Dark・ Full-bodied・ Chocolatey


ROST & Co.

Roaster: Antti Kivelä

Our roastery is located in the naturally beautiful maritime district of Lauttasaari, Helsinki. That is also why this dark-roasted coffee blend is called Saari (Island). This coffee is very dear to us: it was our first organic and fair trade (FTO) certified coffee. Saari no longer needs to be alone as today, approximately 95% of the coffee we roast is FTO-certified.

Country: Honduras & Peru
Area: La Encarnación, Ocotepeque (Hon), Rodriguez de Mendoza, Amazonas (Per)
Varieties: Catuaí, Lempira, Bourbon, Caturra (Hon), Tipica, Bourbon, Catimor (Per)

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