" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #169 Mokkamestarit: Creme de Paris — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#169 Mokkamestarit: Creme de Paris

#169 Mokkamestarit: Creme de Paris
13.07.2021 severi.sinkko


Creme de Paris


Roaster: Hannu Paakkinen

Creme de Paris from Mokkamestarit is a beloved classic. Our roasters are skillful at roasting darker roasts, creating just enough sweetness into the bean while leaving the soul of the coffee intact. This Colombian coffee is grown at a high altitude and has a solid hard bean and it makes a perfect dark roast.

Country: Colombia
Region: Huila
Farm: Many farmers in the area
Farmer: Many farmers in the area
Varieties: Colombia/Castillo
Growing Altitude: 1650m
Processing: Washed

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