" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #153 Kaffa Roastery: Talvikahvi — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#153 Kaffa Roastery: Talvikahvi

#153 Kaffa Roastery: Talvikahvi
07.12.2020 Sara Kanerva

Dark chocolate・Nutmeg・Dried fig


Kaffa Roastery

Roaster: Jonna Korhonen

Talvikahvi is Kaffa’s seasonal classics. In this blend we are combining coffees from two origins, well-balanced Guatemalan with sweet and spicy Ugandan coffee. This medium roasted coffee is smooth with pleasant chocolate and spicy notes. At this roast level the aromatics are nearing their peak and the cup is charged with complexity. The coffee is perfect for polar nights.


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