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#153 Roger’s Coffee: Slurp Midnight Colombia

#153 Roger’s Coffee: Slurp Midnight Colombia
04.12.2020 Markus.ihamuotila

Nutty・Dark chocolate・Hints of raisins

Slurp Midnight Colombia

Roger’s Coffee

Roaster: Martins Kubulniek

Palermo is a municipality located in the northern part of the Huila region of Colombia. The word Huila comes from the indigenous language of Páez, meaning “Luminous mountain”. The coffee trees grow close to the Magdalena River and the mountain ranges of the Andes, which have several snow-capped volcanoes that provide the soil with mineral richness.

The Rogers Coffee approach with this coffee is to bring out Colombia’s wild nature to your coffee experience. Each batch, each bean, is treated with extra care in this chocolaty, nutty and creamy extremely dark roast! Enjoy it as you like and have a nice cup!

Country: Colombia
Region: Huila, Excelsio
Washing Station: Racafe mill
Farmer: Several independent farmers
cooperating with the mill
Variety: Castillo, Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1800 – 2200m
Processing: Washed


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