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#150 Lehmus Roastery: Syksyn Sävy

#150 Lehmus Roastery: Syksyn Sävy
19.10.2020 Markus.ihamuotila

Apple・Black tea・Floral

Syksyn Sävy

Lehmus Roastery

Roaster: Jussi Tyrisevä

Syksyn Sävy (Autumn Shade) is like a warm autumn night: soft, sweet, delicious and beautiful. This coffee from the Ethiopian Shenteweyna farm grows in exceptionally high altitudes, over 1900 meters, which creates really sweet flavors into the beans. The brothers who own the farm, Asefa and Mulugeta Dukamo, are hiring mostly women from their village and the neighbouring areas.

Lehmus Roastery from Lappeenranta has been awarded three times as the best roastery in Finland at the Helsinki Coffee Festival.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Sidama Zone, Bensa, Shantawene
Farm: Shenteweyna
Farmer: Asefa & Mulugeta Dukamo
Varieties: Mikicho, Setami, Herloom Arabica
Growing Altitude: 1900 – 2217 m
Processing: Natural


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