" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #148 Inka Paahtimo: Sumatra Mandheling — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#148 Inka Paahtimo: Sumatra Mandheling

#148 Inka Paahtimo: Sumatra Mandheling
21.09.2020 Sara Kanerva

Spices・ Licorice・Full bodied

Sumatra Mandheling

Inka Paahtimo

Roaster: Olli Pétas

Volcanic soil and traditional Sumatran Gilling Basah processing give this coffee it’s characteristically low acidity and rich mouthfeel. This coffee has been farmed by the Mandailing tribe in Sumatra. The production of the coffee is managed by Ketiara Cooperative which is run by women. Cooperative is committed to equality and organic production.

Country: Indonesia
Region: Aceh
Farm: Multiple farms of Ketiara Cooperative
Farmer: Multiple farmers of Ketiara
Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon, Catimor, Typica
Growing Altitude: 1200 – 1500 m
Processing: Gilling Basah


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