" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #138 Inka Paahtimo: Paubrasil — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#138 Inka Paahtimo: Paubrasil

#138 Inka Paahtimo: Paubrasil
04.05.2020 Maria Ariyo

Dark chocolate・Almond・Cherry


Inka Paahtimo

Roasted: 27/04/2020
Roaster: Juho Purhonen

We were looking for classical natural processed Brazilian coffee with smooth mouthfeel and notes of chocolate and nuts, but it would have to be traced back to the farmer and not mixed with several coffees. Therefore we selected Pau Brazil where each bag is traceable back to the farmer by scanning QR-code on jute bags. Producers belong to one of nine cooperatives or six associations affiliated with the Cerrado Coffee Growers Federation, have signed a statement of good practices in accordance with Brazilian labour laws, and store coffee in accredited warehouses post-harvest.

Country: Brazil
Region: Cerrado Mineiro
Farm: Rio Brillhante
Farmer: Inacio Carlos Urban
Varieties: Catuai
Growing Altitude: 1100m
Processing: Natural


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