" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #134 Mokkamestarit: Ethiopia Addis Abeba 5/5 — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#134 Mokkamestarit: Ethiopia Addis Abeba 5/5

#134 Mokkamestarit: Ethiopia Addis Abeba 5/5
09.03.2020 Maria Ariyo

Chocolate · Citrus · Rose

Ethiopia Addis Abeba 5/5

Mokkamestarit Oy

Roasted: 03/03/2020
Roaster: Hannu Paakkinen

After a bushfire, out of a desire of forest conservation, farmer Tesfaye Bekele started Suke Quto farm which is currently Organic and Rainforest Alliance certified. Tribe leader Bekele’s dream came true: developing environmentally friendly coffee and sustaining the local community with a consistent income. The Suke Quto farm delivers high-quality speciality coffee with high cupping scores and with the skilled dark roast from Mokkamestarit, it makes a delicious filter and espresso coffee.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Guji
Farm: Suke Quto
Farmer: Tesfaye Bekele
Varieties: Kurume/Welicho Heirloom
Growing Altitude: 1800-2200m
Processing: Washed


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