" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #31 Rovaniemen Kahvipaahtimo: Kenya AA Plus — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#31 Rovaniemen Kahvipaahtimo: Kenya AA Plus

#31 Rovaniemen Kahvipaahtimo: Kenya AA Plus
29.03.2016 Rafael Linnankoski

Shipment #31
SLURP light


Kenya AA Plus

Origin: areas surrounding Mt. Kenya, Kenya
Varieties: SL28 & SL34

Roasted on

Tuomas Kumpula




condensed acidity


Kenyan coffees have long enjoyed a high appreciation. Kenya keeps on producing high quality coffees regardless of the fact that it’s also the origin for mediocre bulk coffee.

The AA classification in Kenyan coffee denotes the size of the beans, which passes a size 17-18 sieve. Additionally, the Plus denotes that this coffee has the least imperfections.

Kenyan coffees are almost without exception washed. They taste wonderful when roasted lightly and brewed with filter methods, when the juiciness and delicious acidity get to shine.

This is a highest quality blend of AA Plus classified small batches of coffee from the areas surrounding Mt. Kenya. The growing altitude varies from 1300 meters at Embu to the 2300 meters of Nyer.

Source: Rovaniemen Kahvipaahtimo


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