" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #130 Record Coffee Company: Ethiopia Ambela — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#130 Record Coffee Company: Ethiopia Ambela

#130 Record Coffee Company: Ethiopia Ambela
13.01.2020 Maria Ariyo

Peach · Citrus · Floral

Ethiopia Ambela

Record Coffee Roastery

Roasted: 22/12/2019
Roaster: Jesse Parkkali

The farmers in the Binitu Ambela region bring their coffees to the Ambela washing station to be processed. The coffee berries are peeled with an old Agard peeler, fermented for 2 days and dried on lifted beds for around 30 days. The roast is light and the coffee has a wonderful peach sweetness, citrus acidity and lingering floral aftertaste.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Guji
Washing station: Ambela Washing station
Varieties: Mixed Heirloom
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1900-2000m
Processing: Washed


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