" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #129 Inka Paahtimo: Kenya Gathiga AA — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#129 Inka Paahtimo: Kenya Gathiga AA

#129 Inka Paahtimo: Kenya Gathiga AA
30.12.2019 Maria Ariyo

Blackcurrant · Mango · Papaya

Kenya Gathiga AA

Inka paahtimo

Roasted: 22/12/2019
Roaster: Liz Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio

The Gathiga washing station was founded in 1953 and it serves 1490 smallholders from the area surrounding the Aberdare forest. The farmers bring the coffee to the wet mill on the day it was picked on. The coffee is depulped and fermented underwater for 15-23 hours after which it is rinsed with clean water four times. The coffee is dried on raised beds for 8-15 days.

Country: Kenya
Region: Kangema, Githiga
Washing station: Gathiga wet mill
Farmer: 1490 smallholders
Varieties: SL-28, Batian, Ruiru 11
Growing Altitude: 2570m
Processing: Washed


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