" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #126 Lehmus Roastery: Lauritsala — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#126 Lehmus Roastery: Lauritsala

#126 Lehmus Roastery: Lauritsala
19.11.2019 Maria Ariyo

Spicy · Caramelized sugar · Cigar


Lehmus Roastery

Roasted: 12/11/2019
Roaster: Jussi Tyrisevä

Coffee with a french roast. This dark, rich and spicy coffee has both the urban chatter of Paris and the down-to-earth feeling of the Lauritsala manor in Lappeenranta. The monsoon-dried bean is perfect for milk-based drinks but works wonderfully also on its own.

Country: India, Indonesia
Region: Malabar (India) Aceh, Sumatra (Ind)
Farm: various smallholders
Varieties: S-795, Kent, Tim-Tim, Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1000-1500m (India), 1300-1500m (Ind)
Processing: Natural, Monsoon (India) Wet-hulled (Ind)


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